LPU student in Indian Navy as Sub Lieutenant

LPU student in Indian Navy as Sub Lieutenant


Hard work and determination can help you achieve absolutely anything!

Lovely Professional University heartily congratulates its student Sanchit Patiyal for getting inducted in the Indian Navy as Sub Lieutenant. Our pride knows no bounds and we wish for his great fortune!

As compared to other professions in the civilian world, the Indian Navy has a great deal to offer to young men and women. The Indian Navy is a well-balanced and cohesive three-dimensional force, capable of operating above, on and under the surface of the oceans, efficiently safeguarding our national interests.

The Chief of the Naval Staff exercises operational and administrative control of the Indian Navy from the Integrated Headquarters of Ministry of Defence. He is assisted by the Vice Chief of the Naval Staff and three other Principal Staff Officers, namely the Deputy Chief of the Naval Staff, the Chief of Personnel, and the Chief of Material.