Safe Social Networking


Social networking doesn’t just open up, but also shares your information online with others. But there is some information you should never share online. By protecting yourself from TOO MUCH INFORMATION (TMI) you can save yourself from cyber crimes.

So let’s start with the general things you should know:

1. Never share your passwords, PIN numbers, bank account and credit card information.

2. Don’t share your birth date, home address and phone numbers.

3. Never share the state where you were born as this information can be used to access your identity information.

4. Restrict who can see your birthday and if the option for audience privacy is not available don’t enter the information you don’t want to share.

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Scribbler who hails from the lap of mountains. I'm a freelance writer, designer, speaker, and marketer. I find comfort in the silence of my thoughts and I love to live for my dreams.