Short Term Course on Advanced AutoCAD was organized by Human Resource Development Center with School of Architecture and Design, LPU as per schedule specified above. The program aimed at equipping the participants with advanced knowledge of the software Auto CAD and application of the same in architectural projects. Ms. Inderjit Kaur Bal, Assistant Professor, LPU and Mr. Rupinder Singh, Product and Design Head, RRIZA Engineering Solution were invited as the subject matter experts.

The deliberations focused on Advanced AutoCAD tools and new features of AutoCAD with real world applications.
The Faculty Development Program updated the skills of participants on:
- External references – Xref, Xbind, Circular Xref, Refedit, Underlay, Etransmit
- Develop a project with Xref
- Introduction to plotting, Page setup, Plot Styles, Plot, publish 2D and 3D DWF, Markup Manager Publish to web
- Facilities Management Occupancy, and Space Management
- Creating an Enterprise Custom User Interface, Developing CAD Standards
- Dynamic Block, Plotting & Publishing, Managing Line Weights, and Linetype, AutoCAD Extracting Data from Drawings
- Filter, group, Cal, Block, Wblock, Insert, Dynamic block, Design Centre, Tool Palette
- Creating Sheet Sets
- Layer Management, Adding/Removing Layers, layer status, New Property Filter, New Group Filter, Layers Status Manager, Plot Control
- Leader, Multi leader style, add leader, Align Leader lines, Collect Leader, Dim edit, dim edit, Dimension Associative, Re-associate Dimension Style
- Parametric Drawings, Geometric Constraints, Dimensional Constraints, Dynamic Block with Parametric constraints

In response to the feedback w.r.t. program effectiveness, the participants found the program to be rich in content. The structure of the program was well planned. Response of the Subject Matter Experts to the queries of the participants was appreciated. It was conducted in a participative environment giving opportunities for open discussion and hands-on learning. The participants observed that the program gave them new insights on the topic and was relevant for gaining advanced skills of AUTOCAD.
Nkosilathi Kelvin Kaseke, I, as a beginner in learning AutoCAD, have managed to grasp every concept that I was taught since the beginning of the short-term Course and I extend my warmest gratitude to Lovely Professional University for arranging such beneficial courses like this one.
Ankit kumar: Autocad is best software for 2D or 3D drawings and models, as well as electrical diagrams, construction drawings, and more.