The 45th US President Came to Power


The U.S. President-elect Donald Trump was sworn in as the 45th U.S. President yesterday. The ceremony took place at the White House, followed by a number of Inaugural Balls across the city of Washington DC.The official swearing-in ceremony occured the steps in front of the Capitol.

At noon local time (5pm GMT) on January 20, Donald Trump took the Oath of Office and was sworn in as America’s 45th president. Chief Justice John Roberts of the US Supreme Court administered the oath on the steps of the United States Capitol Building.

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Hello there! I am a Sophomore at LPU with honours in Journalism and Mass Communication. I am on a journey to explore all the corners of the human world and maybe someday beyond it. I have a zeal for communications, be it writing, interacting with people through mediums like radio, television, etc. I also have a passion for photography and have a knack for something new always.