Workshop on Advanced Research Methodology Inaugurated at LPU


Human Resource Development Center, Lovely Professional University organized an engaging 7-day ‘WORKSHOP ON ADVANCED RESEARCH METHODOLOGY’, from Dec. 05 to 11 2016  for LPU faculty, research scholars and participants from other universities in the region. The workshop was attended by participants from a variety of disciplines including management, engineering and education. Day One saw the workshop inauguration with a welcome address by Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Head Human Resource Development Center. The key note speaker Dr. Rajesh Verma, Dean Mittal School of Business, emphasised the need for curiosity, qualitative research and global dissemination of research knowledge through digital media. 

The resource person for the first day was Dr Amit Kauts Dean, Faculty of Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar. Dr. Amit Kauts initiated by addressing the challenges faced by budding researchers. The second working session dwelled on writing a research proposal followed by a hands on session on Scale Development. In the subsequent days, eminent Resource Persons from premier Business Schools have been invited to deliberate upon advanced statistical techniques and interpretation of results. The workshop maintained an engaging environment by way of a unique pedagogy combining Instructor led interaction with personalized interaction each participant discussing the individual areas and thesis. The workshop stimulated self-learning amongst participants.