New Year’s Resolutions for Every College Student

New Year’s Resolutions for Every College Student

New Year’s Resolutions for Every College Student

While we are eagerly waiting for the New Year Eve’s party, the New Year itself brings high hopes for change and growth. After my freshman year here in LPU, I learned that this can be the perfect time to set some resolutions that can make your upcoming semester more productive, positive and enjoyable.

New Year’s Resolutions for Every College Student

They are not just those goals that address the things in your life you’d like to change or improve upon but are realistic enough so that you are more likely to stick with them. We all have our personal targets, ambitions and bucket lists that are unique and personal. So, here’s a generic must have list of goals that you should be incorporating in your journal –

  1. Volunteer at least once a week.
  2. Finish all your assignment/papers a couple of days before submission.
  3. Don’t spend on things you want, only on things you need.
  4. Eat a healthy meal every day.
  5. Get a good amount of sound sleep every night.
  6. Reduce the amount of time you spend on social networking websites.
  7. Declutter your dorm room.
  8. Find time to practice yoga/gym and stay fit.
  9. Get a job for the experience of it. Period.
  10. Travel to at least one new destination every month.
  11. Make your bed every day. We all know we never do.
  12. Stay hydrated and carry a water bottle to class.
  13. Get an internship, you’ll thank yourself later.
  14. Catch up with your hobby. Devote an hour to what you love.
  15. Make plans and hit them off. Big, small, temporary or permanent it doesn’t matter; it’ll give you a structured and formed life.

New Year’s Resolutions for Every College Student

However small these goals may look, changing certain aspects of your everyday living can create a huge impact on your lifestyle. You’ll grow and become a better version of yourself. You’ll find new perspectives, discover new interests and reach out to new possibilities that you never thought exists in the first place!