LPU Aerospace Student is World’s Youngest Pioneer in Aerospace and Aviation on Linkedin


    LPU students always strive to be pioneers in every field and keep inspiring the rest of the world. One such inspiring verto has proved that age has nothing to do with your vigor and knowledge. Sahil Parmar, an undergraduate Aerospace Engineering student at Lovely Professional University has been featured on a flabbergasting 13th rank in “Top 100 Men in Aerospace & Aviation to follow on LinkedIn 2022”. This list consists of the top scientists, researchers, scholars, astronauts, and astronomers from around the world with decades of experience. The amazing part is that Sahil is the only undergraduate student on that list and he surpasses some of the biggest names in the field of aviation and aerospace engineering.

    Sahil Parmar is a bright student who is also a member of the NASA Human Exploration Rover Team. He also has a blog where he imparts knowledge of complicated scientific concepts to the readers. He is interested in all the new technologies that are being developed in the world and share the same with all the technological enthusiasts on Linkedin and other platforms. He was also one of the technical members of LPU’s student organization Hexagon Aerospace which organized the Space Camp India 2022 which inspired thousands of students to pursue the field. He has been consistently posting content influencing millions of professionals and enthusiasts in the field.

    The influence we have on society is something we underestimate to a greater extent. All the influencers and celebrities in the world are shaping the society we live in by producing and directing content and conversations around those topics. There are a lot of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) enthusiasts who are in pursuit of great ideas, innovations, and inventions in their fields. By keeping up the conversations about new technologies and innovations in the world, one inspires others to do more and try to reimagine their limits. As the inspiring verto, Sahil Parmar quotes, “Sky is the Lower Limit, look beyond it.”

    We wish him the best for his future endeavors and draw inspiration from his achievements.