So, it’s the spring equinox again, aka the season of new beginnings, and who doesn’t like springtime? Enduring months of chilly harsh winters, suddenly we’re transitioning into a new season, and what gives springtime a run for the money are the vibrant, playful colors and flowers. For several weeks the grounds of Lovely Professional University have come to life with a medley of Roses, Daffodils, and Tulips that have started blossoming from every pillar to post. On that occasion, Saturday morning, Lovely Professional University’s Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) accredited School of Agriculture organized the “Spring Flower Show and Competition,” and Pro Chancellor Ms. Rashmi Mittal graced the Spring Flower Show with her presence.

At the UniPolis, the participants had lined up a wide assortment of exquisite flower collections comprising Crocuses, Snakehead Fritillaries, Hyacinths, Winter Aconites, Bluebells, Alliums, etc. While some Vertos displayed magnificent handcrafted florets in earthen vases, others indulged in laying out Rangolis using different colored flower petals, which looked absolutely stunning on the lustrous Granite flooring of the podium.

While the first half of the day was well-spent amidst vivid colors, an atmosphere infused with a floral aroma, and exotic flower petal Rangolis on the floor, as the noontide hit the entire Lovely Professional University family spent enjoying our Chancellor Mr. Ashok Mittal’s nomination to Rajya Sabha rallying from the Main Gate to the Shanti Devi Mittal Auditorium, where he was greeted with faculties. Right after that, at the amphitheater, our Chancellor was greeted with a swarm of cheerful Vertos, followed by a cake ceremony and a community lunch comprising numerous culinary delicacies.
The spring celebrations couldn’t have been more happening than this, brimmed with energy, happiness, parks bursting with blooms, community lunch, and a subtle floral aroma spread throughout every nook and cranny of Lovely Professional University.