No one is an expert when it comes to writing. We get better at it with time. However, there are some tools which come in handy when you’re working on a submission or even a blog post. Check out the ones I’ve mentioned below:

  • Libre Office

Before you begin writing, you need a word document to type all of your content. While most of us prefer Word, a lot of us, especially students will find it hard to spend money on buying a subscription. If you’re looking for a good alternative to Word which contains all of its features, you should go for Libre Office. It’s completely free and contains a clean interface.

  • Grammarly

Digital ToolsYou’re done writing content, but now what? You need to proofread it before you can submit or publish it. Here’s where Grammarly comes to use. Grammarly is an amazing app that proofreads for you! You can select the audience type, tone and so many more and hit submit. You’ll receive grammar suggestions, incorrect sentence formation indications and so many more. I’m guilty of using Grammarly before submitting this article too!

  • Keep Notes

Digital ToolsDo you ever just have the most wonderful idea on what to write for your next blog post, but end up forgetting it right after you reach your room? Well, I’ve been there! That’s why I use Keep Notes. You can organize all of your notes, set reminders, and the best part is, all your notes are directly synced with your email account.

  • Hemingway

Digital ToolsYou can’t just write an article and expect everyone to understand it. That’s where readability plays its role. Every article you write should be readable by at least an 8th grader. That’s how you increase your post views. Hemingway checks your article’s readability score and also highlights sentences that are complex and need to be broken down.

  • Title Case

digital toolsIf there’s anything that takes the most time on an article, it’s figuring out which word should be capitalized in the heading. Thanks to title case, all you have to do paste the title on the website and it capitalizes the words appropriately.

  • Thesaurus

Digital ToolsUsing the same words again and again in your article can bug your readers. If you can’t think of any other words to use, visit You can type a word and it gives you alternatives or synonyms of it.

There are countless of other digital tools besides the ones I’ve mentioned above which can add to the ease of writing. Anyone from beginners to professionals can make use of these and constantly improve to bring up their writing game.