Distance Makes the Heart Grow Fonder


It is a fact that while we stay with our family 24×7, we tend to drive each other crazy, and only after we have spent time away from them, do we truly begin to cherish each relationship and their value in our lives. A lot of us have to leave our homes and move out for school, college, and jobs in other cities. It forces us get out of our comfort zones and step into the big bad world. And, there are so many things that we learn only when we have moved away from our parents and there are many ways in which staying away from them evolves us gradually and brings us closer to them.

We realize the value of just being able to have breakfast with our family.

We detested having to wake up early in the morning to have breakfast with everybody but now we crave their company as we gulp our everyday meals. Not just that but also having ‘ghar-ka-khana’ is the thing most missed while staying away from home; for no restaurant serves better than the mom’s food.  Every morning when our mother used to knock on our door to ask us to get some work done, we would cringe and pretend to sleep. And then she would crib for the rest of the day. But today, we miss how nobody knocks at our door or scolds us anymore. And we definitely cannot pretend to sleep for no one will have our back. The sense of comfort and the security that our home comes with makes us miss it even more.

You get to know yourself better and in turn understand your family more deeply.

As we grow older, it is important to feel the need to step outside our comfort zones and expose ourselves to the outside world. It is important to allow ourselves to look at the world from a different perspective and feel the things that we have never felt before; feeling homesick, for example. To know and understand our parents better, we must try and know ourselves better. It is only when our own shoulders are burdened with responsibilities that we understand how our parents never let us feel trapped or burdened. A small conversation with a friend would suddenly make you realize how much your mom and dad love travelling but you had never noticed that earlier because they would never travel a lot while you stayed with them. We become understanding and considerate only with experience.

Whenever we get to meet or talk to our parents, every moment counts.

The time when we stayed with them, all we wanted was to be set free. We wanted to spend most of our time with our friends. And now, we start worrying if our mom hasn’t called us in 24 hours. The other night, my mom called me and asked what I had for dinner, I told her that I hadn’t had anything; ‘Why?’, She questioned. I was amazed at how worried she sounded, at something that wouldn’t even qualify as a problem in my life. But the irony of this situation is that if she misses a single day without calling me, I start getting worried. And, this is true for the most of us.

Every time we visit our parents (sadly just twice or thrice in a year), we enjoy every second of time spent with them. Watch them cook, go shopping with them, clean with them and just blending into their daily routine, their life, gives us more relief and happiness than it actually did when we lived with them.