In a competitive age like this we are in, college or university students generally experience a lot of pressure, pressure of getting a good company, pressure of getting an extra certification, pressure of being a good friend and a good child to their parents.
Recently, LPU student chapter CodingBlocks under the aegis of the Division of Youth Affairs, Student Welfare Wing, organized a session on Freelancing with Ishan Singh as a guest speaker. Ishan Sharma, a YouTuber with more than 550k subscribers, an author & Co-Founder at, started his career as a freelancer and has now started educating students across the country through YouTube. Ishan believes, “Be the giver, not taker’’.

“A young freelancer must understand that presenting himself to an employer who is not related to his field can later lead to a waste of energy & time and disappointment. So to avoid this, be specific with the kind of job profile and company that you want to work with,” says Ishan, adding “the way you present yourself, makes you stand out from the rest of the applicants”.

In simple words, Ishan says help the recruiter! You are interested in selling your skills and the employer is interested in buying those skills to make his life easier; so it is your responsibility to understand the tactics of that job and do it perfectly.
University and college students comprise a major percentage of his audience because they find his growth journey relatable, the journey from confusions to success. Ishan Sharma is a pro in coding, content creation, digital marketing and entrepreneurship.

Ishan was welcomed by thousands of students at LPU. While here, he also spoke about LinkedIn growth, digital marketing, skill development and time management. His marvelous journey from an ordinary student to a successful content creator inspired students to listen to him.