A rich blend of distinct cultures, a worldly hub of emerging leaders, engineers, entrepreneurs, journalists, etc. Altogether, it’s a fruitful experience like no other.
When I was writing this, it was my last semester at university. In all honesty, even I wouldn’t know everything about this wondrous campus. Here are a few fun facts and interesting departments you wish you knew about LPU.
Lovely Lifestyle

It is a small business venture of the gigantic Lovely Group of Punjab. Lovely Lifestyle is an online website for shopping organic items at ease. You ask anything that’s organic, Lovely Lifestyle will find it and deliver it to your doorsteps for you. They are making a beneficial approach offering students with paid internships. Potential students with excellent writing and photography skills are hired as content writers and photographers. It would certainly be an amazing opportunity to gain some work experience.
First-ever solar bus without a driver

University was all lighted up to ignite the joy of knowledge in the 2019 National Science Congress. Then came this new scientific project, India’s first-ever solar-powered self-driving bus. The students of Lovely Professional University designed and created the bus. It is equipped with cameras on top, Bluetooth, and a GPS navigation system to drive to the desired destination all by itself. Such an honoured achievement of students brought by relentless efforts and dedication.
Google Centre of Excellence on campus

In 2016 Lovely Professional University obligingly signed a memorandum of understanding with Google. They are relatively rare and only a handful of universities around the globe are authorized. By this, the students are likely to receive training in Google-centric specialisation courses. Certifications and training cost zero rupees.
Giant database

You won’t believe this, the size of LPU’s database is massively huge. If printed on paper and lined up one after the other it can possibly end in Delhi. It takes 370.4 km from Jalandhar to Delhi, humongous, isn’t it? This implies that the university is keen to lower down the heavy paperwork and relies on computers and backup systems.
LPU Happenings
Zealously hard-working writers and their wonderfully written write-ups, Happenings is the LPU’s official blog solely by the students and for the students. You can look for articles on recent events, news, placement records, students’ achievements, and many more. Here the writers endeavour to go around the campus, experience things by themselves, and finally articulate the happenings in writing. Students show tremendous interest in writing for the blog. A group of over 30 writers is actively engaging with the Happenings team. All of them are students from different spheres. Interested folks can contact the Happenings team, crack the interview, and then get paid for their contributions.