“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” ~ Oprah Winfrey

Dreams and passion are the words that are often used interchangeably to signify the potential of a being. People who dare to dream are the people who live their life to the fullest. This doesn’t mean that they live a luxurious life with an “I am happy” attitude all the time. You know it is impossible to have a constant degree of happiness throughout your life. The life curve is not a straight line but a complicated zig-zag path with many ups and downs. So, it is not enough to dream about something; it is equally essential to achieve it. The difference between dreamers and achievers is the focus that they carry. The ability to not give up when things become strenuous the endurance to keep working when no one is watching keeps you on track to the success path.

Now, the definition of success varies for everyone. There is no set formula for success in life. Most of the students grab the opportunities thrown at them and make them the steps towards their goals. In this globalized world, there are a plethora of options for everyone. The internet serves as a magic wand for every student willing to succeed in this fast-paced world. We all have been gaining our education throughout this pandemic by using the internet as a source of knowledge that caters to our needs.

Lovely Professional University has always been there to support and encourage the efforts of their vertos and provide them the pedestal to step up and hustle. The university offers many programs to enhance the students’ potential and knowledge and make them ready for the world. One such ingenious program facilitated by the university is the Credit Transfer Program. The students can apply to top universities to get their credits transferred and study at these universities.

LPU helps as many students as they can in their dream to study abroad and gain maximum exposure to them. One such LPU student has embraced an experience of a lifetime with our International Tie-Ups. LPU’s Engineering student Unagar Smit Kanaiyalal has flown to Romania to pursue education in the Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad on Erasmus, with funding of €3200 (approx.) and a 100% tuition fee waiver. The efforts that the student has put to get a fully-funded study abroad are incomparable, and the support that LPU provided to make this happen is just commendable. He has inspired a lot many students to hustle for their dreams.

We wish him the best in all his upcoming endeavors.