I can tell you about the wonderful people I met, my new friends, extraordinary research expert and a super friendly environment at LPU. It was simply a positive experience for me as a PhD student at LPU. My research is sometimes the most fascinating in the world. My research work was the most interesting in the world at the time. This is extremely exciting.
It’s almost like an equation. Understand problem-solving, then present your findings at a conference to see how interested other researchers are in your findings. The paper has been accepted for publication. Then reread your paper and ask yourself, “Wow, is this what I wrote?” I heard someone mention “Haldhar et al.” and thought to myself, “Ha! “This is me!”
Besides, “AD Scientific Index” which gives the ranking for scientist, has given me the #1 rank in LPU (Metallurgical & Materials Engineering), #349 in India, #2566 in Asia, and #6620 in the world.

I mean, this is excellent. Nothing tells you that you
1) had an idea,
2) put your idea into action and proved that it works,
3) submitted and published your idea, and
4) someone else is now pursuing your profession. That was YOUR bright idea!
LPU has all the required facilities for research work including the most experienced and professional supervisors in every discipline. Most suggested universities for academics and research.
Dr. Rajesh Haldhar
Postdoc Scientist
Yeungnam University, South Korea
[email protected]