See Why the Punjab Government Thanked LPU on Twitter!


    The COVID-19 pandemic has left the entire globe in chaos. Our nation too is now suffering a lot due to the sudden hike in the patients tested positive for COVID-19. Not just the Prime Minister alone is taking all the necessary steps to prevent the further spread of the virus, but the state government too and that from the very beginning. Government is seeking participation and help from every citizen and institution and many are helping with the same motive, ‘to eradicate this pandemic entirely’ and yet LPU and the vertos stand-alone to whom the government of Punjab thanked officially on the social media! Many of you must have seen the tweet and most of you must be wondering for the specific reasons behind that.

    So, why did the government acknowledge LPU and its students?

    If you have an eidetic memory like the famous physicist Dr. Sheldon Cooper (yeah, I know he is fictional, but still!), you must remember the evening of 13th March 2020 and the day after. On the 13th of March, which was Friday, the state government of Punjab announced the closing of all the private and government universities and schools till the 31st March 2020. Soon after that, another announcement came for the conduct of online classes.

    We know our university, it is always like no-delay-to-follow-the-orders, and there you go! Late at night on the same date, the university announced the exemption of all the classes and examinations that were to be held on Saturday, the 14th of March. The next day i.e. Saturday, the management team of the university sent another announcement that the university would remain shut, till 31st March. After a while, another announcement popped up in the announcement section on the UMS that every student had to download and access the LPU’s official messaging app, LPU LIVE as the online classes were going to be conducted from Monday, 16 March 2020. You can’t deny that only LPU was the quickest in implementing all those orders made by the government; as most universities started online mode of classes while we were close to our last class of the spring semester.

    Moreover, other contributions, too, such as LPU donating 1 million dollars to fight coronavirus, a third-year B.Tech student developing an IoT based device KAWACH and LPU alumnus Mr. Avinash, helping the students amid lockdown by providing them with daily essentials were the silver lining to the clouds!

    This quick implementation and the contributions to help everyone in every possible way is the reason that the government of Punjab thanked our university. We should thank LPU for every contribution too, and we should be proud of being a part of this family!