Tag: Motivation
Perks of Being ‘Busy’ on the Campus
I like to stay busy. I am a workaholic, and I like to be creative. - Glenn Danzig
Personally, I am one of those who...
What Not to do After a Tiresome Exam
Let’s face it, exams are stressful. They take a semester’s worth of knowledge and cram it all into a two or three hours session....
FOMO – What Is It and How to Deal with It?
FOMO - The Fear of Missing Out
“You are missing out” is a sentence that could strike a bell of anxiety in the heart of...
It’s Okay Not to Be Okay
We go up and we go down the ranges of life, we all come face to face with different conditions. Being human involves experiencing...
Why You Should Never Snooze Your Alarm
There are the great days, there are the good days and then there are the bad days. The great days are those days where...
Simple Life Transforming Mantras
Early adulthood is one of the crucial years of a person’s life. This is the time when we see a lot of new and...
Pursue Your Dreams
Dreams, a term known or experienced by almost every individual on the planet Earth. From the stage of “Ma! I dreamt of being Superman”...
Evolving from the Shell
Late teenage is the most important phase of learning for an individual. From the time of being a dependent on your parents for all...
Coping with Exam Stress
It's exam time now and yes, like always, most of us don’t like studying unless it is a night before our exam. Let’s face...
Why Students Should Take up an Online Course During Their Degree
Too many interests? Hard to choose what to follow? Equally interested in Physics as well Chemistry, or equally interested in both Aeronautical Engineering and...