Many of you might have joined college a few days back and the rest of you have been attending online classes for the past two years. So, attending college in offline mode is a whole new experience for each one of us. Starting from exploring various extra-curricular activities to experiencing different responsibilities, this is what college life is all about! All these new responsibilities can be a thrilling experience and can give you great exposure.
An extraordinary responsibility that you can take up is being the Class Representative, popularly known as CR. CR, as the name suggests, is a person in a batch who represents the class or batch and acts as a mediator between students and professors. The responsibilities of CR are similar to class monitors in schools, the only difference is that CR is common in universities or colleges.
Reasons why one should become CR:
- Improves communication skills:
Many reasons support the fact that why one should become a class representative. One of the main reasons is that it will enhance your communication skills. You will have to communicate with your batchmates as well as higher authorities to prevent any misunderstanding and miscommunication. As we already know that communication skills play a vital role in today’s era. These skills are important for having an effective conversation, representing your thoughts and beliefs, and cracking a job interview.
- Decision making:
Like with every responsibility, many characteristics of individual development are done. Being a CR develops the decision-making ability as well as problem-solving skills of a person. This in turn also boosts confidence and makes one independent. The importance of decision-making lies in weighing the pros and cons of a situation, this step is pivotal for making the right decision.
- Helps in overall growth:

Handling a position of CR teaches you many things throughout your tenure. This not only enhances your leadership skills but also provides an experience of working and making decisions of our own with guidance from higher authorities too. It can be a source of motivation where one can feel self-worthy and work in a way to be a better version of themselves. Being a CR teaches you to be a part of the team, thus improving your team-working skills. There’s a lot more in it for you that will benefit you personally!
Therefore, the position of CR has its significance. You can learn to be responsible and even make networks with your batchmates, seniors, juniors, and professors. You can also gain the ability to time management and coordinate different kinds of tasks. One can also suggest and implement methods that will contribute to creating a vibrant life on campus.
All in all, you should go for becoming CR without any hesitation and get a whole new experience during your college years.