First-Ever Women 3X3 Pro Basketball Indian Sub-Continent League Matches were played at Lovely Professional University campus. Six teams of women constituted with top basketball players from across the country exhibited the best of basketball skills which enthralled all spectators at LPU sports arena. By winning the final match out of 9 matches, the women team of Pune Panthers declared the Champions by defeating rival ‘Coimbatore’ team with scores of 20-10.

For this competition; six teams from across India, Kochi Stars, Coimbatore Spunkies, Delhi Divas, Jaipur Regals, Ludhiana Queens and Pune Panthers competed in 9 matches played at Baldev Raj Mittal Unipolis in LPU. Experience played a very important role in Ludhiana Queens’ victory over Jaipur Regals by 12-09; Sushantika Chakravorty guided well her team ‘Delhi Divas’ to a close win over Coimbatore Spunkies by 17-16; Pune Panthers just gave a ruling performance over Jaipur Regal winning it massively with a difference of 21-03; whereas, Coimbatore Spunkies defeated Kochi Stars by 17-15. In another match, Ludhiana Queens’ awesome run made Coimbatore Spunkies see defeat by respective scores of 18-10.

Now an Olympic & Commonwealth Games sport 3×3 Pro Basketball League is going to debut at 2020 Tokyo Olympics & 2022 Birmingham Commonwealth Games as well. India is expected to win medals in these two top competitions of the world. During the first round of 3x3BL Season2, in all 18 men-women teams from all across India competed for three days at LPU Campus.

Prior to this, on the first day of the 9 matches among basketball-men for ‘Conference A’, Chandigarh Challengers team was declared a final winner by defeating Chennai Icon Team. The day two matches for ‘Conference B’ saw tough competition, best of basketball skills and agility of playing among the players of Mumbai, Ahemdabad, Gurugram, Hyderabad, Lucknow and Kolkata.