Gear yourself up for SHARK TANK in Lovely Professional University

Gear yourself up for SHARK TANK in Lovely Professional University

Gear yourself up to get a kick of SHARK TANK in Lovely Professional University

As students, we realize how difficult it is to implement an event idea and make it a success no matter how good it is. Yet, this time Student Organization Griffin has brought something extraordinary: its very own Shark Tank, where understudies can try out their EVENT IDEAS and our SHARKS will support, coordinate and carry out their exceptional and intriguing thoughts. Our SHARKS are amazing CEOs and Hardworking Event Management teams of various Student Organizations working under the aegis of the Division of Youth affairs, Lovely Professional University. The show begins on the 24th of April and will be airing on the official Instagram handle of Griffin.

This show will help pitchers pitch, organize, and implement their intriguing ideas. Any idea that one brings to the organization will be considered and looked upon by the CEOs and event management teams. Pitchers will be getting the expertise of the CEOs and experienced Event management teams. Our sharks are well versed in event management with immense experience in this domain.

Pitchers will get full control of the event ideas, as well as be taught and nurtured on how to organize events that add value to society. Anything you need, whether it is the expertise of sharks or be it funding for events, this platform will provide you with all of this under one roof.

PITCHERS will have to pitch their unique and one-of-its-kind event ideas from any genre they like and if the sharks like the idea, it is a win-win as you have your own event brought to the student of LPU in association with respective Student Organizations. Isn’t that a DREAM COME TRUE?

The flow of events will take place between 24th to 30th April and will include Pre-registration, Shortlisting, Personal call intimation, Announcement of event dates, Pitch, and the Result declaration. For any related information stay tuned and keep an eye on the official Instagram handle of Griffin. The attested link will direct you towards it.

In case you want to register, here goes the pre-registration Link: