Many of life’s failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up. – Thomas Edison

Perseverance has always been considered one of the most integral parameters for success. That is why most of the elite examinations in the world are more inclined towards testing the applicant’s perseverance rather than knowledge. One such examination is the Indian civil services examination, in which more than 10 lakh applicants appear every year. This is a highly competitive examination, and the civil servants are honored in India.

UNYC, under the aegis of the Division of Student Welfare, LPU organized “My Unscripted Moments” with IAS Sonal Goel. She is an IAS, 2008 Batch who has been dedicated to the service of the nation for more than a decade now. She has featured in Top 25 Women transforming India by Niti Aayog, United Nations, and MyGov. She has put in more than 13 years of dedicated service to the nation.

Illuminating Talks with 'IAS Sonal Goel' on 'My Unscripted Moments' by UNYC LPU

On asking about the lockdown days, she threw some light on the role of administration in containing the pandemic situation. She told the students about the initiatives of the government and the steps she took to handle the situation at Gurugram. She told the struggles of the people who were actually out throughout this pandemic and lost their lives. She took a lot of initiatives to keep the supplies of the necessities functional and maintaining proper supply and awareness of vaccines.

After that, she inspired students for their dreams. She said there is no scope for delays. She told her story to the viewers, which was very inspiring. She showed the challenges she had to overcome to rise to this level.

She had a lot of failures on the road to success, but she didn’t give up and never left her dream to grudge about it afterward. She said you need to be so focused that you could “self-quarantine” yourself to achieve your goals. You need to be committed enough to serve the society, serve the nation, and promote out harmony amongst people. With this, she left the viewers in deep contemplation.

Points to Never Forget

  1. There is either success or failure. There is nothing else in between.
  2. Civil services are a demanding job, so be sure that you want to pursue it.
  3. You should do what you love and love what you do.
  4. You should be firm on your decisions and have the determination to push through the hard times.
  5. You should have a contingency plan. This does not mean that you doubt your goals, but this means you are mature enough to accept your failures.

You can check out the whole session on this link: