Inheritance of Loss

Inheritance of Loss

The title of the article is borrowed from the title of a novel by Kiran Desai, a famous Indian author. Speculating insightfully about the title, one cannot help but wonder the unusualness about it and at the same time, its truthfulness.

Living in the 21st century, equipped with so many things which seemed impossible some 30-50 years back. We millennials are the owners of today and are teaching the generations before us to survive in this era. Look at the title again, read it slowly, comprehend all the words and think. Think about what are we going to inherit? What are our children going to inherit? Money, luxuries, designations, or awards? Yes, all of us might inherit all of these things or either of these but the actual question remains unanswered.

Away from the materialistic possessions, we are on our way of inheriting loss – a loss of moral sense, a loss of compassion, a loss of realization of ourselves. Every now and then people amongst us like you and me talk about how we are running behind things simply missing out on life. That is the truth, by running away from our lives we are running towards possessing something but in the real sense, we are moving towards inheriting loss and pain.

We are giving the worst ever climate to our coming generations. Other than that, we are depriving this world of examples of kindness and love. How will your child believe in love when there isn’t any of it left? We all in the race of convenience, comfort, materialism are losing the actual essence of our purpose here. Not just our purpose but the basic sense of living as a human, we are simply absorbing all of the resources including ourselves making the upcoming generations totally vulnerable and powerless.

The world of today does not need a home full of expensive cars, iPhone selfies, dying teenagers, and the rapid spread of hatred. The need of the hour is peace, love, and compassion towards each other, the environment and one’s own self.