My Experience with Maths in the States


We Indians have a natural talent for Maths, and if you ever have an opportunity to study abroad, I’ll advise you to take at least one Math class. You will easily get an A and increase your GPA score. I took a calculus course during my days abroad, and believe me it was a piece of cake. We were taught the product, quotient, and chain rules! 

Well, that was really easy for me and I scored a 4.0 GPA in that class. Maths in the United States is so easy that I would advise anyone who wants to major in maths from there to change their major because they can do and learn much better here in India itself!

Unlike here, Maths in America is taught in small parts, like they have separate classes for Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, and all the other stuff we have in Maths. Even when the students are in their high-school, they aren’t compelled to take maths like we have it compulsory till class 10 here. They can take whatever classes they want.

But the most important thing I like about the American kids is that they start working at an early age and some save up that money for their college education. There are really old people who attend college for an undergraduate degree. For them the age doesn’t matter, they earn money and get a good education. Unlike India, America actually provides jobs for students during the summer and the kids get really good exposure and are more independent. So, go for a Math class abroad and get a higher GPA.