My Unscripted Moments with Aman Dhattarwal

My Unscripted Moments with Aman Dhattarwal

My Unscripted Moments with Aman Dhattarwal

“Our hard times help us appreciate our good time. The pain never goes vain.” #hustle by Aman Dhattarwal

My Unscripted Moments” is a platform where the renounced personalities share their thoughts and unseen struggle behind their success. It’s a platform where one can share the funny and most precious moments of life that at some time remained unshared. This platform was created by the United Nations Youth Community (UNYC) under the aegis of Division of Student Welfare, Lovely Professional University for making the young individuals of LPU and people around the corner of the nation gain inspiration and work for developing themselves.

Previously, Mr. Mukul Sharma, Mr. Sahil Nayar, and Ms. Shami Wadud joined this platform for sharing their stories and making the vertos know about what to do and what not. Thereafter for Chapter 4 of My Unscripted Moments, the session was joined by Mr. Aman Dhattarwal to share some of his unshared stories of life. His journey from being an engineering student to being one of the most successful educators, YouTubers, and entrepreneurs in India.

My Unscripted Moments with Aman Dhattarwal

Mr. Aman Dhattawal is one of the leading YouTubers of our nation. He is the Founder of “Apni Kaksha” and “Apna College”. Apart from youtube, he is the #1 JEE Educator of India’s biggest Online Education Platform, Unacademy. He is widely known as “Aman Bhaiya.” He is even an expert in career counseling and has helped lakhs of students in choosing a perfect career for their life and reaching their dreams.

The live session got a bit delayed because of some technical issues. However, as the session got started the excitement of viewers got boosted up and they showered their love for Aman Bhaiya in the live comment section.

My Unscripted Moments with Aman Dhattarwal

A few of the precious lessons from the session has been summarized below:

  1. Start believing in yourself: In the journey of life you come across several phases of life where you need to take some steps that are way more important for you than for others. So never get into self-doubt after taking a necessary decision. It would degrade your confidence and performance.
  2. Start your entrepreneurial journey now: The students who wish to have their own company and become successful entrepreneurs. Don’t wait for a perfect time or moment. It’s better to start now and fail beforehand to grab the ultimate pleasure of success in the upcoming journey.
  3. Work for your dream: Work before you get into a life that you never dreamt of. As the sense of regret, you get in return for it is exponential. So hustle for achieving it rather than just dreaming about it.
  4. Work for yourself: During the college days, one gets so indulged in the assignments and tests that the person forgets to pursue his passion. So try to learn something or a lot of things out of the syllabus as it may or may not help you in your professional life but would surely help you in your personal life.
  5. Have the fire in you: If you wish to learn more and grow into an admirable individual then you need to have the fire in you to be better and need to work for it until you reach that stage.

Life isn’t that simple one thinks of it, but can be made simpler once worked on it properly. The session turned out to be filled with lots of new learning and inspiration. If you were unable to join the live session you can have a look over it here: