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Tag: Languages

Professor Dr Ramesh Chandra Dhussa

American Geography Professor of Drake University interacted with LPU Students

Worldwide renowned American Geography educator, Professor Dr Ramesh Chandra Dhussa of Drake University (Des Moines, Iowa, the USA) reached Lovely Professional University (LPU) today,...
how to improve your vocabulary

How to Improve Your English Vocabulary

If I ask someone about what important qualities a college student must have, they will tell me about everything but vocabulary. It’s one of...

Best Courses after 12th Arts: Future, Scope and Career Prospects

Having gained knowledge in subjects like English, Political Science, Geography, History and Economics, a plethora of opportunities await Arts students. Law, Journalism, Fashion Design,...
Should you learn French

Should You Learn French?

Like most high school kids, I grew up with this craze to visit France. Although I never got a chance, I decided to settle...
Project Manager from Goethe-Institut, Germany enlightened Students on Future of German Language

Project Manager from Goethe-Institut, Germany Enlightened Students on Future of German...

Lovely Professional University invited Ms. Milan Sharma, Project Manager, Goethe-Institut (Govt. of Germany). She enlightened students on ‘Future with the German language’ and how...
importance of soft skills

Importance of Soft Skills

A professor should know how to teach, a pharmacist should have a strong knowledge of Chemistry, an engineer should have certain technical skills. What...
The Power of Language - English and foreign

The Power of Language

How often do you stop to think about the ways in which language hampers your expression? Probably not very often. We see, hear, and...
Courses Language careers

Making a Living Out of Your Love for Language

In a world where only Science students are considered “Intelligent”, you have taken a stride by choosing what interests “you” the most. Did you...