Tags LinkedIn

Tag: LinkedIn

How to improve your odds of getting a reply on LinkedIn

How to improve your odds of getting a reply on LinkedIn

LinkedIn might be your best bet if you want to mushroom your network. Maybe a recruiter has your dream job, and you...
Social Media: A Boon or a Bane?

Social Media: A Boon or a Bane?

What comes to your mind when you hear the word – Social Media? Do you think of it as a boon or...

How Security Breach On Social Media Can Change A Life

“DATA” as per the traditional definition says facts and statistics collected together for analysis. But the crucial role that it plays in our day...
Tips for First Day at First Job

Plan Your College Job Search Early

As college students, we all have the constant worry of finding a job after we graduate, and that always lingers around. Considering this, it...
Digital Detoxification

Digital Detoxification

Being a student of Lovely Professional University has its own perks and perils. Here everything is online and digital, starting from the...
Why Should You Professionalize Your Facebook Profile?

Why Should You Professionalize Your Facebook Profile?

Owing to the rapid advancement of technology, almost every person nowadays has a personal electronic gadget like a smartphone or a computer...
Business Online

Why You Should Take Your Business Online

In today's world, everyone is hooked to the internet even for their minor work, whether it is buying groceries or books or home appliances,...
Professional Use of Social Media

Professional Use of Social Media

In today’s technologically advanced world, social media is something that almost every smartphone owner use. But it is not all about posting selfies and...

How To Brand Yourself In Social Media In College!

Social media plays a very important role in one’s existence as a whole. If we look sometime back people had limited opportunity but in...

Networking with Alumni on LinkedIn

Have you been feeling the urge to buy a new pen, open the first page of a crisp new notebook, and pen down some...