Tags Motivation

Tag: Motivation

Why you should never snooze your alarm

Why You Should Never Snooze Your Alarm

There are the great days, there are the good days and then there are the bad days. The great days are those days where...
Simple Life Transforming Mantras

Simple Life Transforming Mantras

Early adulthood is one of the crucial years of a person’s life. This is the time when we see a lot of new and...
Pursue Your Dreams

Pursue Your Dreams

Dreams, a term known or experienced by almost every individual on the planet Earth. From the stage of “Ma! I dreamt of being Superman”...
Evolving from the shell

Evolving from the Shell

Late teenage is the most important phase of learning for an individual. From the time of being a dependent on your parents for all...

Coping with Exam Stress

It's exam time now and yes, like always, most of us don’t like studying unless it is a night before our exam. Let’s face...
Why Students should take up an Online Course during their Degree

Why Students Should Take up an Online Course During Their Degree

Too many interests? Hard to choose what to follow? Equally interested in Physics as well Chemistry, or equally interested in both Aeronautical Engineering and...
run every morning

Forcing Myself to Run Every Morning Changed My Life

I could have never imagined that waking up in the morning can change my entire life. I know it goes against the ideal routine for...