Texting Addiction

Modern society. Youth using smartphone for social contact. Texting or playing on cell phone

We frequently hear that humans are becoming “slaves” to the rapidly growing technology around them. And we think “Why does everyone say so? We’re just a new generation, with great technology available to us. Why is that so bad?”

Our smartphones and iPads make life so easy. We feel thankful for them when we book tickets instantly instead of standing in giant queues, or when we admire the new couch our parents bought back at home, through video call. Gadgets are useful in everyway and combined with the power of the internet they let us basically do anything, anywhere!

On the flip side though, these things are consuming a huge chunk of our time every day and sometimes create obsessions of which, the most common is Texting. Whether it’s WhatsApp with your school friends or texting your new tinder match, it’s a serious affair these days. Everywhere you look the thumbs are talking and fingers are walking. Research shows that 72% smartphone owners text 97% of their time. It would be fair enough to say, that Texting is the drug of choice for every young social addict these days.

There are endless problems associated with the texting addiction. Usually, the age group of 7-28 are more obsessed with texting, but with the growing pressure of keeping up with the world and everything turning online, most people with access are becoming potential addicts. Are you one of them? If you’re missing out on things that you should be doing with your friends, family, and colleagues, or missing conversations with people or just not being where you are at that moment, yes you’re an addict. It just not only pauses your life in a virtual world it can be also the reason for lack of eating, sleep deprivation, isolation, depression and a lot more you wouldn’t like to know.

Better we limit our technology use, and live the moment. Talk to people face to face, meet up, visit family. Compliment your loved looking them in their eyes. Plan reunions with your far away friends. You’ll realise how beautiful the art of communication is!