A Letter to a Friend


The final presentation for the capstone project just got over, and I was heading back home to escape the cold winter. I heard someone call me from behind, and as the figure in the midst of the fog became clear, I could easily recognize him. It took us almost 20 minutes to talk about all that went on during the presentation. And right before we crossed the main-gate, he spoke with much happiness, “I need to tell you something about a person I met during the recent ‘Explorica’ event that took place here at LPU. I’m telling you man, just two days of getting to know someone like her, it felt like we had known each other for ages. We just connected in perfect sync on so many levels. Talking to her felt more like talking with family rather than a friend.” I couldn’t help but wonder how just a brief moment shared between two souls could mean so much. “That sounds like a beautiful coincidence”, was all I said before he started to speak again. “But you know, she’ll be leaving this university by the end of December and I really want to let her know how much her friendship means to me. What do you think I should do…?” As I listened to him talk, I could easily see how big a deal it was to him to let her know that she brought a new sense of happiness in his life. I couldn’t think of any other way than the most honest and beautiful form of expressing one’s feelings towards another, so I took him by his shoulder and said, “Dude, you should write her a letter…

And he did…

It’s not about how long we have known each other, or about how many memories we have shared, but about how just a brief moment together made us feel like we had known each other forever.

There was something beautiful and magical about how we crossed each other’s path in an enigmatic coincidence. And it was nothing less than extraordinary. Words can hardly describe what we shared together in that short period of time. But we know, and we feel because we lived every second of that brief time to our hearts content. I wonder why we never crossed paths over the last three years, but I guess there are somethings in life that we cannot simply find an answer to, instead we embrace the way life steers us into such wonderful moments. Just mere words can never be enough to tell you how much it meant to have met someone like you. A beautiful soul, and a warm heart. In the brief moment that we spent together, I can honestly tell you that we connected with each other at a level which is only reached when two people have known each other for life. This just shows our compatibility level to be sky high. You know, every second of every minute is just captured perfectly in my heart, forever. Always remember that I am just a heartbeat away from wherever you are, and whenever you need me I’ll always be there for you. Our bond can never be shaken, nor can it be broken.

And now that you’ll be moving onward in life to pursue your dreams and ambitions, I wish nothing but the best for you in everything that you do. Hope your new journey brings you much love and happiness, my dear.

And when you meet new people and make new friends, tell them of us and tell them about how just a moment together became something beautiful and profound.

With love,

Your Explorica partner


  1. wow those are my exact feelings about a girl…but i guess the guy you met and me have a lot in common

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