

It is hard to realise it, when you lose control over situations and become dependent on someone or something. What is even harder is to accept the fact. Life throws us into situations, so that we learn the lessons that it has to teach and until we do that the scenario keeps on repeating, and we start to blame our fate or luck for it.

Things will be less complicated if we just admit to the fact that we have not been able to learn what was to be taught by a bad situation and start looking at it from a different angle and just may be by that change of perspective we will arrive at the desired conclusion.

We all live different lives but we go through similar lessons, spreading across the moments that we live on this planet. It is not bad to be dependent on something or someone for the things we seek, but it should always be kept in mind that one day that person or thing will no longer be with us and we will have to move on without it.

Certainly, it is easier said than done. We never realise this truth till it faces us, and there is no escape. When that does happen, we should just gather all our courage and embrace the lesson, and break the vicious cyclic pattern of suffering.