Getting good and productive results of any work can be achieved by being focused and paying attention while working, but we all have that moment that our mind gets distracted and we start thinking about something else or we endlessly scroll through Instagram. Microsoft’s study has shown that now humans have a short attention span than goldfish. Whereas goldfish can hold attention for 9 seconds and our attention get declining after 8 seconds. So here are a few tips that help you sharpen your concentration.
Do one thing at a time
With lots of tasks and duties, one can easily think of multitasking but in reality, it makes things worse. Doing more than one task simultaneously isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. So try to stick to one task and complete it on time.

It is a well-known fact that regular exercise keeps our body healthy. But do you know that it also plays a significant role in our mental health? A study by Dr. Stewart Trost of Oregon State University discovered a connection between exercise and concentration. So 30 minutes of exercise can improve your mental health, thereby enhancing concentration.

Everyone should meditate as meditation helps to free your mind and body from problems and health issues such as depression, body pain etc. It recharges your brain, keeps you calm and makes you feel energetic the whole day. Thus your productivity increases with concentration.
Listen to music
Listening to music while working draws out all the noise from the background. According to a study done by Dr. Masha Godkin from Northcentral University, listening to music keeps both the left and right hemispheres of your brain active thus both can optimize learning and improve memory.