While I was in my teens, my bedtime was the bane of my existence. I loved staying up way beyond midnight, chatting with Facebook buddies, enjoying TV shows, and streaming horror movies. It felt like an accomplishment when people around you start getting dizzy, and you are still wide awake, overflowing with energy.
This sense of dignity soon disappeared as soon I got into my college. As the studying load got tighter, all I wanted to do was just rest and sleep for some time. I was so acquainted with sleeping for less than six hours that it turned into a routine even though rectifying my routine needed minimal effort. I felt the urgent need to work harder and faster while the horns rocked at 9 PM, and I had only completed one assignment out of many.

My work ethic was wasteful as I pushed back on my bedtime when I told myself there is “more time” for the assignment. I thought this habit would help me, but it didn’t last long.
I was stuck in an eternal and an everlasting loop of exhaustion. I struggled to stay on top of my work, and plummeting grades made me rethink, and finally, I changed my routine, expecting to get rid of my melancholy and to put my grades where they belong. As soon as I get back to my dorm from the university, I buckle up to get my assignments and readings done, even though I tried to persuade myself that I could commit to the task later.
Power naps became an essential component of my schedule. I consciously crafted chunks of time for naps to get up and walk around, go out, or have fun or snack in-between. I opted to finish when my phone blinked at 11 PM that the day was over and I had done my best in preparing for tomorrow.

With these minor tweaks in my schedule, I was better in line with my limits and expectations. I had been more conscious of the implications that progress is more important than success as the final result. As long as my tasks were taken care of to the best of my ability, I was glad to know I had put solid efforts into it.
Sleep wasn’t a privilege anymore. It was a healthy investment for me. As my peers slept the least while working the hardest, I was proud to retain my habit. I saw my level of success, time management, and work ethic increase with more hours spent hitting the day.
I can take on the universe every morning, with seven or more hours of sleep under my belt. A fixed sleep schedule isn’t a hassle to me anymore. It’s a treat. In times of uncertainty and surprises, I really can count on it to help me.
My advice is to make sure that you get plenty of sleep every night, even though you don’t feel like you need it. Sleep is your buddy, who can help you with overall wellbeing and success.
Have a nice day!