The Refresher Course on Mixed Methods Research with 64 participants from diverse disciplines consisting of Faculty, Researchers and Research Scholars culminated after three weeks of input on diverse range of topics. Dr. Sanjay Modi, Course Director and Pro Vice-Chancellor, Lovely Professional University congratulated the participants on achieving this milestone and exhorted them to conduct, meaningful research that contributes to the community, environment and problem solving and reiterated that Mixed Methods is the way ahead. He advised the participants to widen the bandwidth of their thought horizon along with the depth that is essential. He remarked that the need of the moment was interdisciplinary and cross domain research and that the only way to achieve it is through collaborative initiatives. He lauded the hosting of the event and the round the clock service by the Organizing Committee, conducted by the subject matter experts and the receptiveness of the participants.

Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Professor and Dean and Convener said that this course was crafted to empower the researchers and build capacity for Mixed Methods approach. The course curriculum was designed as per the UGC Guidelines-2019 and framework of 18-day, 72 hours adhered to. The course outcomes were summarized as Capacity Building on Mixed Method Research Design, The Approach Systematic Literature Review, Scale Development and Standardization, Data Collection and Analysis using Atlas-ti, Quantitative Statistical Analysis Techniques, High Impact Publication, Ethics in Research and Academic Integrity.
Prof. Dr. Rajesh Verma, Course Convener and Head, Mittal School of Business enlightened the participants on Case Study Methodology and inspired them to pursue curiosity driven research. In his own inimitable style he demonstrated the conduct of industry relevant research, essential for enabling Indian Higher Education Institutions to make a mark in the global research community. Hands-on sessions on developing Case Study were the hall mark of this course.

Dr Preeti Mehra conducted a real life example laced session on Types of Research. The session was well received and appreciated as the same level of engagement and excitement was sustained throughout.
Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Prof. & Dean, spelled out the Mixed Method Research with discussion leading style and buzz group technique. Break Out rooms was the highlight of her session where each group could discussion within the group and present it in the main room. Playing a true role of a guide by the side, she mentored and guided by handing over the steering wheel to the learners but all the time keeping it in control and navigating it focused, straight and learner centered. A master piece with a living example of ‘Hands On’!

Dr Tanima Dutta shared the Research Design Formulation with an inclusive approach. Dr. Rupinder Katoj’s sessions gave a complete new dimension of thought process while working on research ideas and widened the mental horizon of the participants. She focused on Systematic Literature Review, Biblometric Analysis and Meta Analysis. Dr. Pretty Bhalla, Associate Professor, Mittal School of Business gave an insight to qualitative analysis and other sessions. Creatively usage of well-chosen video clips and case lets giving her sessions an effect of edutainment-education and entertainment.
Dr. Deepika Saluja, Ph.D, IIM Ahmedabad, Co-founder, Women In Global Health India, took sessions on Qualitative Data Collection & Recording. Dr. Tejinder Pal Singh, Associate Professor, University Business School, Panjab University Chandigarh provided an insight to Qualitative Data Analsyis and also hands-on training on Atlas-Ti. The external wisdom was well appreciated by the participants. Dr. Sunaina Ahuja also took n elaborate session on Questionnaire Design.
Dr Lokesh Jasrai opened the gateway to a new world of Quantitative Methodology. Followed by Dr Shamily Jaggi, Dr. Krishan Gopal and Dr Pooja Kansra taking it further. Step by step the subject matter experts opened the magical world of this popular Statistical analysis software- SPSS. The other subject matter experts consisting of Dr Pawan Kumar, Dr Rahul Sharma, Dr Tanima Dutta and Dr Lokesh Jasrai covered the Analysis giving Hands-on training on the SPSS software. All of the sessions saw hand holding and hands on experiential learning in the real sense, as the resource persons guided and directed the participants to be familiar with the practical aspect and gave the participants a true feel of the outputs. The final sessions focused on Research Ethics delivered by the renowned Researcher and Senior Faculty from GNDU, Dr. Jasveen Kaur and Plagiarism by Dr. Harminder Singh from LPU were the icing on the cake.

The journey of experiential learning continued throughout the eventful eighteen days, making it enlightening, experiential and practically assimilating. Course Assessment was done with a three tier approach- The Multiple Choice Questions and the Conceptualization and Designing of a Case Study. This was a big leap ahead. The participants were given a task sheet to develop the case premise Problem Identification, Case Objectives, Summarizing the major problems, Analysis and conclusion. The submission framework included the References, Case Questions and Teaching Notes. The climax was the presentations by the participants where the designated subject matter expert Mr. Ajay Chandel who gave invaluable inputs to individual participants.
The outcome was a gamut of pertinent knowledge, skills and information covering the Research Journey right from the first step, delivered in a mode of Exploration, Experience and Experiment.
The Course Director appreciated the Organizing Team led by Dr. Sunaina Ahuja, Dr. Rajesh Verma and ably assisted by Mr. Sarabjit Singh Kwatra, Course Coordinator, HRDC, Dr. Rahul Sharma and Dr. Mridula Mishra, Course Coordintors-Mittal School of Business for thoughtfully designing the course flow, expanding its reach PAN India and attending to participants queries round the clock. He applauded the resource panel who delivered it in an experiential, learner driven and instructor mentored mode. He also acknowledged the proactive participation of the participants who inspite of the diversity in terms of demographic representation, academic profile and organizational background formed a very pro-learning and vibrant group. Finally the curtain came down on the 18-day extravaganza of intellectual pursuit focusing Research Methodologies and Data Analysis. A land mark event hosted with meticulous planning, executed with precision finesse, full of Researching insights, techniques and skills. Hailed by one and all as the most wonderful experience ever. The course ended on a high note with Course Coordinator, Mr. Sarabjit S Kwatra reminding the participants of the access to the resource repository and thanking the resource panel, Course Mentors and the participants who appreciated the efforts of the Organizing Committee.
Mr. Bhiravi: “Amazing workshop. I wish it were available during the early phase of my journey as Research Scholar. Thanks to the coordinators and organisers for the seamless conduct of sessions.”
Dr. Amandeep Singh Makkar: “Wonderful and systematically planned sessions. All the speakers explained very clearly. In one or two sessions, the pace was quite fast like in the session on bibliometric analysis. I might have felt the pace fast as this was a new term that I hadn’t heard before. Thanks, HRDC, LPU for the availability of all the recordings and Presentations which we can view again at our convenience and understand what we might have missed during the live sessions. Learned a lot from all the respected resource persons and the art of public speaking and conducting lectures from respected Kawatra Sir.”
Dr. Hina Upadhyay: “Well planned all sessions, all resource persons are eminent in their respective field, this refresher course updating me with more advancement in Mixed method research. All the best team HRDC and Mittal School of Business coordinators.”
Ms. Kommu Leela Soumya: “Every class was very interesting and knowledge gaining.”