We Will Eliminate The Stigma Attached To Mental Disorder!

We Will Eliminate The Stigma Attached To Mental Disorder!

Mental health

World Health Organization estimated that mental and behavioural disorders account for about 12% of the global burden of diseases.

In India, the burden of mental and behavioural disorders range from 9.5 to 102 per 1000 population. Depression alone accounts for 4.3% of the global burden of disease and is among the largest single causes of disability worldwide.

We often use derogatory terms like a retard, mad to say a few, and forget the implication of these on the person who is suffering. Our society attaches a stigma if you are mentally not well or depress, which makes a person more isolated and feel disregarded and in some cases, it leads to suicide.

So, here is a request to all the change makers to take a pledge that

1. We will try our best to help our friends and relatives who are going through this phase.
2. We will eliminate the stigma attached to mental disorder.
3. We will encourage ourselves, friends, and families, to consult psychiatrists in case of mental illness.

To know more, you could visit: The Live Love Laugh Foundation

Image Source: See Me
Author: Hitesh Kumar Mahawar, LPU Alumni
LinkedIn: https://in.linkedin.com/in/hitesh-kumar-mahawar-b6bab783