Back when tigers used to smoke, folks used to wait days or even months to watch the next episode of their favorite series. Nowadays the trend of binge-watch seems to be cool. Grab your laptop, plug in your earphones, some crispy titbits, soft drinks, and sit in a cozy place continuously until the series is over. Multiple platforms like Netflix, Amazon prime, Disneyp+ Hotstar, and many more have set on-demand streaming for better experience and joy. Well, no one can deny the fact that we are drenched in it greatly. So what if we take this phenomenon into a different perspective: BINGE STUDY?

Though the word seems to be new, we already know this concept for ages. Especially when we have an exam the next day and we are not prepared for it, we sit the whole day scratching our heads and try to concentrate. But unknowingly we cannot give our 100% to it. Why so? The pressure of completing the task within the set time limit starts daunting. Here are some useful tips for maintaining concentration and studying smartly without taking a break in between:

Always Treat Your Subject As A Movie

1. Trailer

Before watching a movie, we always prefer to watch the trailer to get an idea about the story. Similarly, before starting your studies, look at what you are going to study through the course syllabus. Look at all the chapters and plan it from basics to advanced.

2. Never miss the beginning

Missing out at the start of the movie always creates a lost situation. The same thing happens with studies. Start from the very first concept. As you proceed, try to connect all your learning with the concepts you learned at the beginning. Automatically, all the things will look like a movie (all the characters are interrelated to each other).  

3. Keep yourself hydrated

Before starting, make sure you have a water bottle with you. Keeping yourself hydrated while studies help in eradicating stress and anxiety. Also, take a bowl of snacks. In the starting days, you can go for lays, popcorn, etc. But as you get habituated to studying for a long time, turn your attention to some healthy options like fruits, oats, etc. Avoid overeating as it may make you sleepy.

4. Subtitles in your own language

When we are watching an intense Hollywood movie, sometimes, understanding their pronunciation becomes a bit tough. So, we prefer subtitles. Similarly, after reading a chapter summarize yourself in your language or whenever you are stuck in between, prefer to watch videos in the language which you are comfortable with.

5. Take a 5 minutes break

After every chapter, stand up, take a walk in your home and wash your face with cold water. This will make you feel fresh. You can also look at your mobile at that time. But while studying, avoid keeping your phone beside you. For keeping a track of time, use a watch or alarm clock (traditional options).

Try this out next time vertos!