Have you ever thought, why do people always talk about living in the moment or ceasing time? Its because they believe that they must make the moments they are living in now into a memory they’d want to remember later, but isn’t it false, when right there in the moment everyone around is hung up on their past or worried about the future? When the only thing in this eternity that changes constantly, is time? So how do you cease time? By removing the cells from your watch? The thing is, everybody wants to portray themselves as someone who knows things, so they decide to quote stuff but they don’t really know what that means. It doesn’t matter where you are, all that matters is who you are with, its all about that moment, the moment that changes your perspective about everything. So my theory says that what really matters is, the people in the room you are with because the kind of people you stay with or talk to determine the kind of life you live. The more you surround yourself with people who motivate you, make you happy or calm you, the more you’ll believe that life isn’t that bad but if you get stuck in a room with people who only whine and throw negativity like a psycho with a machine gun, then you, my friend will definitely end up being the same person. So try this, every time to you enter a room think of the person you want to be when you’ll leave the room. This way you’ll be able to keep yourself away from negativity or you’ll be able to stay in the same room with negativity and not let it get to you * winks and whispers* we all know how positive bosses can be. So remember, its all about one day, one room.