With the doomsday clock at two minutes to midnight, the air is tense with signs of nuclear attack. Although hoping that such a situation never occurs, it is always better to be prepared for the worst. Expect a knock anytime, as the worst lives next door to the best. Here are 6 tips that’ll probably save your life.

  • Run

If you are ever under a nuclear attack, mostly the odds are against you. There is 90% chance of dying immediately if you are in a blast radius of within 800 meters. Whereas a 50-50 chance of being killed in a 2-mile radius. The first thing you must remember is to never look in the direction of the blast and open your mouth to avoid getting blind and deaf. Nuclear bombs produce a terrific amount of wind. Notice the direction of the wind blowing. Run in the opposite direction. If you are able to reach a 5-mile radius, you will probably have 10-15 minutes before the radiation hits you. Therefore, the aim should be to get away as far as possible.

  • Find Shelter
    How to Survive a Nuclear Attack

The heat of an atomic bomb is tens of millions of degree Fahrenheit, rather frightening, it can cause skin cancer almost immediately even if you are several miles away from the blast. The best possible solution will be to find shelter in a basement or a concrete building with a room with no windows. If that’s not possible to find, the next best solution will be to find a very tall building and climb to the 10th floor or higher. This is just a temporary solution, you will have to relocate to a basement as soon as you are able to.

  • Avoid the Debris
    How to Survive a Nuclear Attack

The radioactive debris and dirt can be carried 50-100 miles away from the zero zone. Evacuate if you are within this radii. Getting underground should be your first priority.

  • Clean yourself
    How to Survive a Nuclear Attack

You are sure to be carrying radioactive debris, so take a bath as soon as you are in a safe shelter. Avoid using lotion, conditioner or stuff that is oily, it’ll only make the radioactive substance stick to your body. It is essential that you clean your nose, ears and eyes. The clothes that you were wearing should be tied in a plastic bag and placed as far away as possible from human or animal reach. Wear a fresh set of clothes and avoid using water after this because the radiation will have contaminated the groundwater by then.

  • Avoid Scavenging
    How to Survive a Nuclear Attack

Do not eat food that is in your shelf and do not be tempted to steal food and non-food items from grocery stores. You will be contaminating yourself more to make matters worse.

  • Be Prepared
    How to Survive a Nuclear Attack

I’m pretty sure that most Indian houses do not have basements. It is highly vital to build a house with a basement that has sealing facilities. Stock up on bottled water, canned food, first-aid kits, flashlights with ample supply of batteries, a radio, potassium iodide tablets (prevents the thyroid gland from absorbing radiation) and a detailed city map.

For all we know, the radiation could last for years. Therefore it is not advisable to stay locked up in your basements. Search the net for the address of the nuclear fallout shelters, formulate an escape plan and get there as soon as possible.

The targets for a nuclear attack will be mostly government buildings, military bases, power plants etc. There is a website that provides all the information regarding the fallout contour, the red zone, the estimated casualties, and injuries. You will have to select the region and the type of the weapon to get a detailed information on the aftereffects. Use this site to be forewarned and frame an escape plan accordingly.


“May the odds be ever in your favor”